We made this a shorter day, partly because we were running ahead of schedule, and partly because we were bushed. Then another reason arose: two old friends, sisters we hadn't seen in 15 years or more, who had moved from Manchester to Colorado and bought a town (!) in the mountains, invited us to stay Saturday night with them -- so we will. This changes the itinerary slightly but also means we have three days to get there so we can take it easy -- a little. That gives us Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to traverse Missouri, Kansas and Colorado.

We left the scene as a show of aerobatics was just starting; small planes at high speed flying upside down, doing loop-the-loops, falling leafs, spirals, stalls and other maneuvers, all the while trailing colored smoke. All above the Mississippi, however, not through the arch, which would no doubt be frowned upon by the FAA. Tempting to the pilots, though, I bet. We missed a fly-by of WW II bombers and fighter planes as well.
We headed west again on I-70, into Missouri. More corn and soybeans, and trucks, trucks, trucks -- not taking the 4th of July off, though the automobile traffic was noticeably lighter. Still, there were those moments when we were jammed between speeding semitrailer rigs and a Jersey barrier wall, only inches to spare on either side, hurtling along at 75 mph and feeling like Luke Skywalker flying his fighter into the bowels of the Death Star (did I get that image right, you Star Wars fans)?
So here we are in another Quality Inn, on the outskirts of Columbia. Joy is taking a nap and we are wondering whether to venture out of the hotel before nightfall. I'm in no hurry: as we parked the car and checked the temperature, it was 104 degrees! A wonder cars weren't sinking into the tarmac!
What cool serendipity, to find your [now] Colorado friends! What town did they buy (and is it safe from the fires?
See tomorrow's post!