Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thursday, July 19

Thursday, July 19: On the Oregon Trail, Boise, ID to Hermiston, OR. 248 miles

Off at 9 am on a cloudy day, trading a Comfort Inn next to a busy airport for another next to a truck stop and a stockyard!  But our new overnight digs are among the most comfortable yet (for a standard motel), and the stockyard is not in business!

It was a tiring day, only 248 miles, but it took about 6 hours, with stops. And the route had a lot of steep, winding mountain roads. Still it was lovely country all the way. And we were following the route of the Oregon Trail! (historical markers sprinkled all along).

Deadman's Pass
At one rest stop we turned off to follow a side road to a scenic overlook called Deadman’s Pass.  It was a beautiful sight, but we were unsettled by the sight of a pickup truck (with New Hampshire plates, of all places) parked with no one around. For some reason we both felt it was a little creepy, and didn’t stay long after taking a couple of pictures.

Then it was on to a six-mile downhill 6% grade, with frequent 180° switchbacks and impressive ramps for runaway trucks. None ran away, but there were a lot of trucks on the road today, many of them double and triple rigs. Huge, roaring things.  

We pulled into Hermiston at 2, and Joy promptly flaked out for a nap.  We then walked across the baking asphalt between rows of semitrailer rigs to an A&W Root Beer shop where we both ordered root beer floats – aka Black Cows. Very satisfying.

Joy and a Black Cow
Tom Too

Dinner at a great Mexican restaurant in Hermiston (which is more than a truck stop). Chile rellenos for both of us. We were rewarded with a double rainbow as we left the restaurant. Surely a good omen for tomorrow, when we will head for Portland.

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